Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Bits 'n Pieces

I’ve been out of commission for a few days. I spent part of yesterday dealing with a cranky hard-drive and part getting a bit of exercise. The hard-drive experience was sight to behold. It’s a good thing I have a good, forgiving, Christian wife. After the frustrating hours I needed some balance, so I went to pump a bit of iron, which I hadn’t done in three weeks. I’m glad I did. I’d gained a few pounds since becoming a (very) minor member of the “blogosphere.” At the rate I realized I was going to wind up looking like Jabba the Hutt sitting in front of a PC every day. My wife said it best – Balance!

The following post is what I call “Bits ‘n Pieces.” I’ve pulled some pieces of news from place to place together. So, here they are:

Spinning for Votes

Since I’ve been out of commission John Kerry, according to the media, has developed four point plan for Iraq. It’s interesting that none of the four supposed points were enumerated in the AP piece. But that’s okay. Most of us know what Kerry’s plan is:

I dunno’
I really said that I did know, but didn’t really know in a “nuanced” way
I dunno’…I dunno’…I dunno’.
I dunno’, dammit!

If the good senator keeps it up we’ll have trouble planting him one day. He’ll have to meet his Maker one day, and let’s hope his head stops facing up instead of down when it stops spinning.

Sensitivity Anyone?

I came across an interesting website a few days ago. It’s called strategypage.com. The page is sponsored by Jim Dunnigan, who not only knows quite a bit about military affairs, but also has the courage to attempt to plant a garden in Manhattan. I browsed through the archives and found an interesting piece on Iran’s hopes for European complacency in their drive to develop nuclear weapons.

Given John Kerry’s plan to align more closely with Europe if he’s elected, the post gives valuable insight into what a Kerry administrations position on Iran might be:

“Iran continues to stonewall UN nuclear weapons inspectors. Iran apparently feels that the European nations and the UN will not impose sanctions in an attempt to stop Iran's nuclear weapons development program, and would turn on Israel if the Israelis launched an air strike to destroy Iranian nuclear weapons facilities. Basically, the Europeans are not all that worried about Iran developing nukes, feeling that the chances of these weapons being passed to terrorists, or used against Israel, are very low. The Europeans note that the Iranian "world Islamic revolution," has been more rhetoric than anything else over the last decade, and feel that eventually the Iranians will mellow.”

Sensitivity anyone? I’m sure the Iranian ruling party would love to deal with a complacent Europe and a sensitive American president. Not me! Such a policy could only be termed as “recklessness anyone?”.

Getting’ Too Close for Comfort Now

The scandal over the forged documents CBS used in their 60 Minutes piece is getting close to the DNC. I watched Joe Lockhart squirming around in an interview with Fox News this morning. The interview might be a harbinger of things to come for the Democrats. The “improved” battle might well be, “Let’s get back to the issues.” I say, let’s talk about the issues and let’s investigate. It’ll be fun to watch Lockhart, McAuliffe, Begala, Carville, etc all squirming for the next six weeks.

Meanwhile, Back at Michael Moore’s Ranch

I saw this morning that Michael Moore is trying to rally the troops. A sample follows:

Dear Friends,

“Enough of the handwringing! Enough of the doomsaying! Do I have to come there and personally calm you down? Stop with all the defeatism, OK? Bush IS a goner -- IF we all just quit our whining and bellyaching and stop shaking like a bunch of nervous ninnies. Geez, this is embarrassing! The Republicans are laughing at us. Do you ever see them cry, "Oh, it's all over! We are finished! Bush can't win! Waaaaaa!"

Hell no. It's never over for them until the last ballot is shredded. They are never finished -- they just keeping moving forward like sharks that never sleep, always pushing, pulling, kicking, blocking, lying.

They are relentless and that is why we secretly admire them -- they just simply never, ever give up. Only 30% of the country calls itself "Republican," yet the Republicans own it all -- the White House, both houses of Congress, the Supreme Court and the majority of the governorships. How do you think they've been able to pull that off considering they are a minority? It's because they eat you and me and every other liberal for breakfast and then spend the rest of the day wreaking havoc on the planet.

Look at us -- what a bunch of crybabies. Bush gets a bounce after his convention and you would have thought the Germans had run through Poland again. The Bushies are coming, the Bushies are coming! Yes, they caught Kerry asleep on the Swift Boat thing. Yes, they found the frequency in Dan Rather and ran with it. Suddenly it's like, "THE END IS NEAR! THE SKY IS FALLING!"

No, it is not. If I hear one more person tell me how lousy a candidate Kerry is and how he can't win... Dammit, of COURSE he's a lousy candidate -- he's a Democrat, for heavens sake! That party is so pathetic, they even lose the elections they win! What were you expecting, Bruce Springsteen heading up the ticket? Bruce would make a helluva president, but guys like him don't run -- and neither do you or I. People like Kerry run.”

Hey, Michael, you had an honored seat among the scornful a while back. You sat next to Jimmy Carter as I recall. You’re one of the leaders of this pathetic band.

Some Blogs of Note

About a week ago I tuned in to La Shawn Barber’s blog. I highly recommend it. There’s great insight and sprited debate. Also on my highly recommended list is Broken Masterpieces, which like La Shawn’s looks at the world, politics and our times from a conservative Christian point of view.

That’s it for today. I’m going to tune in to a blog or two, possibly make a comment or two and call it a day. Tomorrow, if the “inspiration” stays with me I’m going to post a piece called “Conversion,” which will be about my journey from atheism to Christianity.


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